8+ years of experience in software engineering. Currently working as a Senior Backend Engineer at Stockbit, an investment securities company, to optimize real-time trading data feeds and financial data analysis through core services to process stock, mutual fund, and bond data, mainly from IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange). We have a vision to improve accuracy, performance, stability, ease of maintenance, and efficiency.
Participating in the tech team that runs SDLC Kanban and Scrum. Building technical designs for proposals, changes, and features. Developing with best practices, clean code, and solid principles. Maintaining a product-based mindset and an effective workflow. Teamwork with direct feedback between team members. Adopting version control with Git-Trunk-Based. Maintaining the service with monitoring, logging, and alerting systems. Tech operational needs include IDX mock trading simulation, switching data sources, clean-up snapshot, and cross-checking stateful service status.
I'm interested in lightweight programs to simplify things and solve problems at any level. I'm starting to contribute to several Go libraries. I'm addicted to scraping a few websites. I'm excited to research some existing or new technologies to boost software development activities. I follow updates about AI and Blockchain, and keep up learning for new tech stack.
Abyan Juang Kecci
Pancoran, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone Number:
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." — Benjamin Franklin
Stockbit is a one-stop stock investment platform. Apart from being a place to discuss and update the latest news about stocks, Stockbit also functions as an investment research and analysis platform.
Stockbit provides financial data informations with various products includes Stock, Index, Warrant, Obligation, Commodity, Global Index, Crypto, ETF, FX.
These products are provided in our features includes Company Info, Catalog, Liveprice, Orderbook, Running Trade, Trade Book, Bandar Detector, Top Broker, Broker Flow, Top Stock, Hotlist, Market Movers, Event Calendar, Earnings, Valuation, Watchlist, Screener, Chartbit, Price Alert, Live Ratios.
Performance Optimized:
• Company Follower, Faster 5x latency by Bulk Cache.
• Watchlist Minichart, Faster 8x latency by Bulk Cache.
• Company Page & Catalog, Efficienced 30% CPU ES by InMemoryCache.
• Chartbit/TradingView Bar Minutes & Hours, Efficienced 64% CPU DB by Cache & Compression.
• OrderBook Time/Price, Efficienced 71% CPU DB and Faster to 30ms/req by Migrated to TimescaleDB.
Feature Released:
• New Top Stock & Broker Flow Chart.
• New Product FR Bonds List & Detail Page.
• Trade Book Total Lot, Freq, & Percentage.
• Stock Label of Special Notation Codes.
• Tradable/Suspend Status by TradingAction.
• Stock Instruments for Special Monitoring (FCA)
• Indicative Best Bid/Offer Price & Volume (IDX Full Call Auction Updates).
• Order Detail for Queue List, Open/Total Lot, and Order Status.
• Order Book Bid/Offer Frequency by Price.
Tech Operation Improved:
• Support to run staging with 2 streams ITCH replica & main by separate broker partitions.
• Built an automation tools to process (e.g., mock-trading) to integrate with update config, switch data sources, restart services, data validator, report generator.
Key Responsiblities & Qualifications:
• Strong knowledge of Go programming language, paradigms, constructs, and idioms.
• Build scalable Microservices along with their supporting components such as tracing, logging, etc., and understanding what strategy is required to handle high traffic.
• Implement best practices such as clean architecture, SOLID principle, unit testing, load testing.
• Accustomed modern version control systems such as Gitlab / Github.
• Handle communication methods such as gRPC / RESTful / Websocket.
• Handle event stream processing such as Kafka (Redpanda) / NATS.
• Work with AWS Managed services such as RDS, ElastiCache, OpenSearch, EC2, S3, SQS.
Managing & Leading Program of Integrations System including Payment, Shipment, Message Notification, and Asset. Lead technical discussion across cross-functional teams. Prioritizing roadmap to deliver company goals. Gathering requirement to the documentation. Propose RFC (Request For Comment) to initialize goals & implementation. Analyze risk & Dependencies related projects. Reporting data for related audiences. Monitoring and Escalating both in the internal-external impact of the business and technical scope. Managing through agile methodologies. Organizing Tech Member for Hiring, Build KPI, Assessment, Career Progression, and Promotion.
Key Qualifications:
• Leading Payment Gateway with Virtual Account, Bank Transfer, Credit/Debit Card, Instant Payment, Paylater.
• Leading Shipment Gateway with JNE, Sicepat, J&T, SapExpress, Gosend.
• Leading GIS Gateway with Provinces, Districts, Subdistricts, Villages, Zip/Postal Code from BPS and Kemendagri.
• Leading Message Gateway with Email, SMS, Whatsapp.
• Leading Asset Gateway with Images & Files.
• Setup roadmap Q1 - Q4 annually Integrations Scope.
• Managing 5 - 6 Member Tech Team of Integrations Core.
• Managing Programs with agile software development life cycle and scrum method.
• Tech stack with Golang, NSQ, Postgre, MongoDB.
Key Achievements:
• Deliver new payment channel with Midtrans.
• Deliver 2 new shipment methods (Sicepat and J&T).
• Data optimization for GIS data.
• Improve message notification elapsed 23 ms/req.
• Build and develop your own team (hire and nurture)
• Report to Head of Engineering on day to day basis
• Collaborate with the product team to deliver the best product with the most efficient use Of resources and technologies
• Work with all the stakeholders to assemble project teams, assign responsibilities, and identify appropriate resources needed
• Develop schedules to ensure timely completion of projects by meeting project milestones
• Assess risks, anticipate bottlenecks, provide escalation management, make tradeoffs, balance the business needs versus technical constraints and encourage risk-taking behavior to maximize business benefit
• Aware of non-functional reguirements such as security and performance
• Responsible for the overall development life cycle of the solution and managing complex projects with significant bottom-line impact
• Ensures realistic commitments understand priority and urgency and delivers upon them accordingly. Anticipates and communicates blockers, delays, and cost ballooning
• Work with product managers in developing a strategy and roadmap to provide compelling capabilities for catalyst tech to achieve business goals.
• Improve team practices and processes and discuss improvements with the team.
• Provide product and architecture decision record documentation.
• Tech stack with Golang, NSQ, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
Tiket.com is one of the largest OTA (Online Travel Agent) companies in Indonesia that provides and organizes online ticket booking and purchasing systems and facilities. The products we offer are more varied, not only to meet your travel needs but also your free time. Tiket.com allows you to search for product information that you want, make an order, purchase, as well as make payments online and safely through various payment systems and facilities that we have provided for you.
• Responsible to Refund Service for Flight Refund & Hotel Refund
• Responsible to Dashboard Refund Finance & Dashboard Refund CS
• Responsible to Refund Disbursement for Tix Point, Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Kredivo, Akulaku
• Rewrite New Flow Refund Service for Version 2 (Integrate with Vertical Product)
• Develop RESTful API Endpoint & Service
• Develop Outbound Service for Internal & External API
• Develop Inbound Service to consume or subscribe Kafka / RabbitMQ
• Set up Java Spring Configuration with Retrofit, Swagger, OkHttp, DataSource, RabbitMQ, Kafka
• Create Data Migration for Indexing, Alter Table, Insert Data with Internal Library Project (MongoTemplate & MySQL)
Settrip Founded March 18, 2017, We provide Online Trip Itinerary (Travel Plan) services from Attractions, Hotels, Flight, Trains, Cars, Buses, and Ships. There are 37 Provinces and 600,000 Tourist Attractions that have been collaborated. We have collaborated with Indigo (part of Telkom Indonesia) to be our incubator. We collaborate with the Ministry of Tourism (Wonderful Indonesia) and GENPI (Gerakan Pariwisata Indonesia) to develop better Indonesian tourism.
• Responsible for Product Core Service for Flight, Hotel & Train (Integrate with 3rd Party)
• Research & Develop Pilot Project for Backend Service Architecture with Golang
• Research & Develop gorm for relational database with golang service
• Research & Develop ELK Server with go-elasticsearch, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana
• Research & Develop golang-migrate for Data Migration with MySQL
• Meet Stakeholders and Create Product Requirement Document
• Wireframing Design UI/UX with Team Design
• Set Up Scoping and Timeline
• Become Scrum Master in Team
• Sprint Planning, Story Point, Daily & Weekly Standup
• Release and Retrospective
We help banks provide financing for financial access to large consumers in Indonesia. We believe that everyone in Indonesia has the right to access affordable and safe financing to improve their welfare. Whether it's shop owners who have difficulty getting working capital, or consumers who want to enjoy the convenience of modern financing in the store. AwanTunai provides a mobile application to help anyone in Indonesia access affordable and safe financing from banks.
• Responsible for Location Scoring, Late Fee and Waive Fee Service
• Meeting with Product Team for Requirement System
• Become Technical Writer for System Design Project
• Develop CS Dashboard for Backend Service
• Maintain Current Product and Improvement
• Help Bug Fixing & Trace Issue
• Tech stack with Java, Kotlin, Ruby, Python
1rstWAP is a leading mobile messaging provider, offering advanced mobile messaging, location-based solutions and other services to mobile network providers, mobile virtual network providers, enterprise customers, government entities, and to those who seek a (branded) mobile communication solution. 1rstWAP operate its own telecommunication systems and infrastructure, including a distributed network of SMSCs installed at mobile network providers.
• Responsible for Rewrite Admin Service Module
• Bug Fixing & Trace Issue
• Tech stack with Java Spring Boot
PT. Jati Piranti Solusindo(Jatis Solutions) established in 1997, and now become Indonesian leading e-solutions provider which have served hundreds of clients across the region. Jatis Solutions (member of Indivara Group) provides Enterprise Application Integration as well as Professional Services complemented by consulting delivery and third party partner product to rapidly deploy technology services to the customers.
• Responsible to Project Human Capital Management System (Internal Client)
• Responsible to Project Courier Express System (Asperindo)
• Develop Improvement System based Requirement
• Teamwork with Business Analyst and Project Manager
• Help Trace & Fix Bugs
• Tech stack with Java, ZK Framework, Spring, JSP
Established since May 2008, our vision is as an Information Technology consulting company, offering solutions that are appropriate by providing appropriate, effective and efficient solutions.
• Responsible DAC Absensi Service (Internal Client)
• Responsible Sistem Information Iptek Nasional - SIIN (Vendor of Ristekdikti)
• Training Java with Spring Boot and ZK Framework
• Help Vendor of Bursa Efek Indonesia to Scrapping News Data
• Tech stack with PHP Yii, Java Spring Boot
Bachelor of Information System
GPA 3.39/4.0
October 2017 - December 2019
Diploma of Accounting Information System Technology
GPA 3.43/4.0
August 2014 - September 2017
June 2011 - July 2014
Fundamental AWS cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured.
Last updated on 27 Apr 2022
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
—Milton Berle
Hana Yanita
Senior Backend Engineer at tiket.com
" He has strong work ethic and problem solving abilities. He is always accept to do many requests *YES lang. He has a positive attitude towards work. It is really nice to work with him as a team. He definitely shines in a a hectic environment. Definitely worth recommending. "
Hianto Hendry
Senior Software Engineer at DANA
" Great in teamwork and responsible ! "
Emir Dermawan
Associate at EY
" I've known Abyan for more than 5 years. Abyan is an optimistic and helpful hard worker who possess healthy streaks of creativity. It was a pleasure to work with Abyan. "
Firman Wihanarko
Senior Software QA Engineer at TIX ID
" I remember things, kecci is a good person and have a best skill in coding "
Muhammad Ilham
VE - Tax & Legal Services at PwC
" If youre looking for passion and dedication. he got it "
Get in Touch
I am always open to opportunities in all possibilities
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